Easter Chocolate Workshop
Thomas Trillion與你歡度復活節, 名額有限, 機會難逢。
有興趣的你記得快快報名 !!
復活節又到喇!!! Chef Thomas親自與你一起製作趣致朱古力賓尼兔! 適逢假日, 何不發揮你的創意,邀約親朋用朱古力造出可愛的朱古力賓尼兔.
製作完畢後, Thomas Trillion已特別為你準備復活節主題甜點一齊共度美好下午茶. 以表謝意Chef Thomas會送出各參加者 Thomas Trillion現金券HK$50乙張
日期: 4月16日(星期日)
時間 : 下午2:30 至下午5:30
費用 : 1800元 (包括材料、及朱古力賓尼兔乙隻)
每場名額: 10人 (每位參加者可攜同1位親友參加。歡迎8歲或以上人仕參與)
請先致電 28060332 留位。然後存入以下銀行帳戶. 經Thomas Trillion確認留位及回覆後,請在三個工作天內繳交有關之費用. 參加者將會以電郵方式確認。參加者當日需要出示此確認書
存入以下銀行帳戶,並將收據電郵至info@thomastrillion.com,請註明 [姓名、聯絡電話和開課日期]
帳戶名稱:Thomas Chocolate Ltd
親臨Thomas Trillion報名及繳交學費,可以信用咭或現金付款。
~ Shop No.3, G/F, Man Kay Mansion No.40-46 Junction Road, Kowloon City
Main door at Nga Tsin Wai Road
~ 九龍城聯合道40-46號萬基大樓地下3號舗 <<門口面向衙前圍道(近衙前圍道聯合道交界)>>
Terms & Condition
Registration is made in first come first serve basis.
Your class cannot be transferred or postponed to another date and no refunded once we got full payment as confirmation.
Please noted that Thomas Trillion do not have responsibility for refunds, transfer or postponements if the participants unable to attend a confirmed class
You are welcome to send someone in your place if you are unable to attend your class, please inform us one day in advance
As no further reminder regarding your event date will be given, it is important to note the date in your calendar
You must wear suitable clothing and footwear (i.e. flat shoes with covered toes)
Participants cannot take spectators in any circumstances to the class
Taking photos or video recording is not allowed
The last enrollment date is 3 working days before classes commence.
Thomas Trillion has the right to amend class schedule without prior notice. For those who have registered will be directly informed by Thomas Trillion by email.
All classes will start on time. Participants should arrive the class venue 15 minutes before the class begins.
Only Participants who have enrolled and can present the confirmation email are allowed to enter the class venue during demonstration.
Thomas Trillion reserves all rights to make alternation of class schedule, content and class instructor when necessary.
Thomas Trillion has the right to select or change all ingredients used in the class without any notice.
Classes will be postponed or cancelled upon announcement of typhoon warning signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm is hoisted. Make-up class arrangement will be announced a day after typhoon signal no.8 has been lowered or the black rainstorm signal downgraded.
Thomas Trillion reserves the right to change the Terms & Conditions without prior notice
In an event of any dispute, the decision by Thomas Trillion is final.